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Under One Moon
Immersive Video Mapping Experience 


September 6 - December 15, 2024

Opening Reception: Friday, September 6, 2024 | 5 - 9 PM

On View Nightly From the Street
September 6 - December 31, 2024 | Nightly



Chopsticks Alley Art is pleased to present Under One Moon, an immersive experience celebrating the traditions of the Mid-Autumn Festival. This unique blend of contemporary visuals, poetry, and music highlights the moon's significance among a diverse range of cultures and histories. Featured artists include Illuminate SJ Now!!!, Cynthia Cao, Sabrina Kwong, and Robin Lasser, with an original score by Troy Truong.


The storyline highlights our connection to the earth, moon, water, animals, plant life, and each other, and calls viewers to take action and protect our water, juxtaposed with animations from Moon Festival folklore and myths from various cultural traditions. Personal narratives are synthesized with iconic folklore – we have collected stories from the San Jose community both in person and via social media to infuse our community's lived experience into the exhibition.


The exhibition will also feature artworks from our community.

  • Youth Artists

    • “Mayari, ” Alexis Benitez Cacatian, Age 18

    • “Flames and Tides,” Dalia Biesemeyer, Age 14

    • “Goldfish Serenity,” Nicole Hao, Age 15

  • Olinder Community Artists

    • “Trang Sang Tren Song Que” by Anh Le

    • “Trang Dem Tren Bien” by Anh Le

    • “Thuyen va Trang” by Anh Le

    • “The Moon River” by Annie Tran

    • “Red Flowers Under the Moon” by Annie Tran

    • “Blue Sky” by Annie Tran

    • “The Smoky Night” by Anthony Do

    • “The Starry Night” by Avery Nguyen

    • “The Moon and Trees” by Brandon Cisneros

    • “The Mountain Hill” by Brandon Cisneros

    • “Beyond The Tree” by Cloud Le

    • “Yellow” by Cynthia

    • “The Moon River” by Evelyn Manuel

    • “Midnight” by Gabriela Ruiz

    • “Moon Silhouette” by Gordon Schneiderman

    • “Vuon Que” by Hap Nguyen

    • “Dem Trang An Binh” by Hieu Nguyen

    • “Cuoc Di Da Ngoai” by Hieu Nguyen

    • “Can Ho Ven Do” by Hieu Nguyen

    • “Tinh Lang Va Co Don” by Hoa Phan

    • “Sum Vay” by Huong Nguyen

    • “The Best Friend Moon 1” by Ivy Vo

    • “Serenity” by Karen Hennessy

    • “Chicken Nugget” by Kingsley Nguyen 

    • “Hoa Phuong Khoe Trang Tron” by Lien Co

    • “Vang Trang va Luy Tre” by Lien Co

    • “Trang Tren Nui” by Lien Tran

    • “Owl” by Marianna Ruiz

    • “The Japanese Flag” by Peter Meylink

    • “Burning Sky” by Peter Meylink

    • “Look Out” by Peter Nguyen

    • “Moon Nights” by Peter Nguyen

    • “Missing Home” by Peter Nguyen

    • “Moonrise” by Samantha Solarez

    • “Horse Shoe Under Full Moon” by Susie Solarez

    • “The Best Friend Moon 2” by Thu Truong

    •  “Midnight Sky” by Thu Truong 

    • “The Red Moon” by Thuan Truong

    • “The Reflection” by Thuan Truong

    • “Tropical Vacation” by Trina Lam

    • Hen Ho Duoi Trang” by Tuoi Truong

    • “Dem Trang Ram” by Tuoi Truong

    • “Cau Ca Dem Trang” by Tuoi Truong

    • “The Blue Moon” by Vicky Vo

Friday, September, 6, 2024

Opening Reception: 5 - 9pm

Lion Dances and Performances: 7pm



Exhibition Dates

September 6 - December 15, 2024

On View Nightly From the Street
September 6 - December 31, 2024 | Nightly


Gallery Hours

Saturday and Sunday: 12 - 4pm

First Fridays ArtWalk SJ: 5 - 9pm


Chopsticks Alley Art Gallery

Open San Jose

38 S. 2nd Street, San Jose, CA 95113

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